Anonymous Parent – “Too small, dirty clothes”


A few weeks ago, the mother of my child ask about some cloths that our son had left at my house, from the last time he was over.  We were out spending time with each other and he left his cloths at the house, by the time we got done it was time for him to go home so i drop him off back at home wearing a brand new outfit that he just put on that night.  I return his cloths to her like she asked and never receive the outfit that I sent him back home in and this isn’t the first time this has happen. When my son comes over his cloths are old, dirty and too small for him but when he goes back home he always take new cloths home that i never ask for but she will go crazy about something he can’t even fit but i make sure it get back to her.  So on the next weekend I asked her about the outfit he went back home in and she was very upset that i asked for it.  I told her that our sons is wearing the same size as me and i can not afford to keep sending him home in new cloths and he keep coming over to my house in too small and dirty cloths.  She told me that when she find sometime she would look for the cloths.  I told her thanks and not even 5 mins after that she text me saying this “I wash on the weekends so u can just send him back home in what he came over in.  Why does he need to bring clothes i thought u had clothes over there”.  I went to pick him up that night and she sent him over in some old dirty cloths.  Later, my son asked me if he could bring his new stuff home to match it up with what he got for Christmas.  I wanted to go crazy, but I told my son that he couldn’t because he needed something to wear when he came over.  I felt so bad that I didn’t give him the cloths but I really cant afford to keep buying cloths and sending them over there, never to be seen again and I have to send back his old cloths to his mom’s house as well.


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